Drumstick : A Rare Multipurpose tree
Author: Leela Bhatt

Drumstick or moringa is one of the world most useful crops and is a tropical tree with multiple use and its main features is that it is hardy with tremendous capacity to with stand drought .It is grown in tropical region ,human food crop mainly as a vegetable, animal forage crops, medicine ,dye and oil yielding crops and for water purification. It is cultivated for its leaves, flowers, pods and fruits and roots for a variety of food livestock feed manure ,medicinal and diverse industrial purpose. M. oleifera is also of interest because of its production of compound with antibiotic activity like cosinolate 4-alpha â€"L- rhamnosyloxy â€"benzyl, isothiocynate. Moringa leaves to fight against malnutrition and its against associated disease (blindness etc).The leaves offer great potential for those who are nutritional at rise and may be regarded as a protein and calcium supplement. Moringa leaf extract combined with Trichoderma and Bacillus was useful and as an intergrated disease management tool in many crops. The ayurvedic medicine of india has a many uses for moringa tree products,like a natural antibiotic, an aid in child birth ,for treating liver disorder and many other uses. Villagers in Oman they use moringa oil to treat stomach disorder. In Hati villager oil of moringa flower in water and drink the tea as a powerful cold remedy .Dried moringa leaves are effective against skin infecting bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa.They contain the potent antibaiotic and fungicide terygospermin. The alkaloid spirachin ( a nerve paralysant) is found in roots. The gam is used to cure diuretric astringent and abortrifacienct and is used against aretnaia .Oil of ben is used against hysteria ,scurvy ,bladder trouble and circulatory problems.The bark is an appetizer and digestive .The ion content of level is high and they are reportedy prescribed for anemia.


1. Peter K.V. 1978 .Drumstick : a rare India Tree .India farmer digest .11-12
2. Palanisamy ,V. Kumarreson K.M., Jeyabarathi ,M. and Karivaradaraju,T.V. 1985. Studies on seed development and malnutritation in annual moringa .Veg sci:12:74-78.

About Author / Additional Info:
I am currently pursuing Ph.D. in Horticulture (Vegetable Science) from GBPAU&T Pantnagar.