We are hearing a lot of news about global warming and climate change these days. What is this? Green house gases are nothing but the gases added to the atmosphere by the human beings. Which are primarily carbon dioxide, ozone chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and methane tend to warm up the earth's atmosphere. Trees counter these effects by the process of photosynthesis which is nothing but the release of oxygen by the consumption of cardondioxide.oxygen is all we breathe for the survival. It has been predicted that daily addition of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, combined with daily removal of large portions of the world's forests, will raise the earth's average temperature by several degrees in the coming future. This in turn will raise the level of the sea and create significant changes in weather conditions and patterns on a global scale.


Global temperatures are gradually increasing. It has been noted that surface temperature has raised formed 0.45-0.6°C (0.8-1.0°F).
Precipitation has increased by about 1 percent, with added rain in high latitudes and less rain in many tropical areas.
Sea levels have risen approximately 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) worldwide, due to melting of mountain glaciers three by leading to ocean rising.


Effects of global warming are to all the parts of the world and none is reserved from it. It can affect very city, villages, farms, forests .mountains and coastlines. Hence it should not be unchecked.


The forecast of climates is being almost useless these days and gone are the days when we wait for different seasons to come, because summers are getting more and hotter and showing extremes of different climates. These are nothing but results of global warming .Global warming may cause extremities in, tornadoes, hail, heat waves, gales, heavy precipitation extreme temperatures over a few hours or several days.


Agricultural crop production could suffer because of global warming, according to crop-simulation models, depending on climate unevenness. Heat stress and dry soils could decrease yields by up to a third in tropical and subtropical regions where crops are already at their maximum heat tolerance. Because of these conditions water facilities for irrigation is needed more and hence agricultural uses will compete with domestic uses of water, raising prices and decreasing supply.


sea-level rise have been increasing and this will have an adverse impact on low-lying areas, coastal areas. Most of these areas are where production of fish takes place in estuaries and also they create salt-water intrusion on fresh water supplies and groundwater supplies in vulnerable areas. They are also an important place for tourism industry.


The main effect of the climate change other than impacts of strong heat and temperature, it is the increase in the number of diseases such as, malaria, dengue, cholera and other water borne diseases, and deaths from flooding in coastal areas. Changes in the occurrence of malaria are uncertain and depend largely on geographic location.
Global warming will contribute to an increased frequency of forest fires, which may lead to an economic destruction and also adverse effects on those having breathing problems... The urban "heat island" effect is aggravated by deforestation, urbanization and global warming, and high atmospheric temperatures over urban areas lead to thermal inversions and the accretion of air pollution such as smog, which strongly influences asthma.

Almost all cold-blooded organisms are affected by a phenomenon known as the 'temperature-size rule', which tells that how different individuals of the same species turn out to be in smaller size when they are reared at warmer temperatures. But until now, this phenomena is not yet understood.


• Plant as much as tress possible to have green cover.
• Replace home's refrigerator with a high-efficiency model
• Buy products in reusable or recyclable packaging, always stop the use of polythene bags.
• Replace washing machine with a low-energy, low-water use machine.
• Install a solar thermal system to help heating water.
• Recycle all waste newspapers, cardboard, glass, and metal at home and workplace.
• Walking makes you healthier, and also helps to reduce the harmful gases in the air .Try to use cycle to nearby areas and once in a while going in bus is also very good .Don't overuse your car.
• Insulate your home, tune up your furnace, and install energy-efficient shower heads.


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