Popular Hybrids of the Mango in India
Author: Jai Prakash
Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-12
Correponding author email: singhjai2001@rediffmail.com

Mango (Mangifera indica) is one of the most important, choicest fruits in our country also in the world. All people favour it and grown in almost all parts of India .It is known as a ‘king of the tropical fruits’ due to its wide acceptance. It is belongs to the family of Anacardiaceae and originated in South-East Asia especially in Indo-Burma region. Mango is the important commercial fruits and Local people known as an ‘Aam’. It is rich source of vitamin-A and good source of vitamin-C, apart from normal minerals and others vitamins and used for various purposes from immature to ripe fruit. India is leading in hybrid development of the mango. Some of the important hybrids are given below.

Mallika : First mango hybrid released in 1971, trees are semi-vigorous and regular bearer. Fruits are medium to large (250-400 g) and have attractive apricot yellow colour. Pulp is fiberless and firm with high recovery, high TSS (24 °Brix) and has good keeping quality.

Amrapali : This hybrid was released in 1979. Trees are dwarf and suitable for high density plantation (2.5 m x 2.5 m). It is highly regular and precocious and bears small to medium (150-180 g) having light greenish yellow in colour and late maturing.

Pusa Arunima: regular bearer, semi-vigorous and suitable for closer planting (6 m x 6 m). Fruits mature by first week of July. Fruits are medium to large (230 to 250 g), attractive red blush on the shoulders of fruits, medium TSS (19.5° Brix) and long shelf-life (10-12 days).

Pusa Lalima : Plants are semi vigorous; fruit size is medium (209 g) and higher pulp content (70.1%). Fruits are having attractive red peel colour on greenish background. It is an early maturing hybrid. Fruits start maturing by first fortnight of June under north Indian conditions.

Pusa Peetamb er: It is regular bearer, fruits having attractive oblong shape, and attractive yellow peel colour. Fruits are medium (213 g) in size with juicy pulp (73.6%). It is moderately resistant to mango malformation.

Pusa Pratibha :. It is regular bearer and suitable for closer planting. The red peel colour on golden yellow background makes it very appealing. The fruits are medium (181 g) in size and have high pulp content (71.1%), medium TSS (19.6%) and has good flavour with better shelf-life (7 to 8 days).

Pusa Shreshth : The plants are semi-vigorous, regularity in bearing, attractive elongated shape, red peel and orange pulp, fruit size medium (228 g), attractive red peel colour and higher pulp content (71.9%). medium TSS (20.3%). Fruits start maturing from in first week of July under north Indian conditions.

Mangeera: This hybrid variety results from the cross between Rumani and Neelam. This is a semi vigorous that has a regular bearing habit. The fruits of Mangeera are medium in size and it has light yellow coloured skin with firm and fibreless flesh. It is also very delicious and sweet in taste.

Ratna : This hybrid variety is a cross between Neelam and Alphonso. The plant is a regular bearer and usually free from any spongy tissue. The fruits of the tree are of excellent quality and medium in size. It looks deep orange in colour and the flesh of the fruit is fibreless.

Arka Aruna : This hybrid variety is cross between Banganapalli and Alphonso that bears fruit regularly and is dwarf in stature. It can accommodate about 400 plants per hectare. The size of fruits is large and it has attractive skin colour. The pulp of fruit is fibreless and is sweet in taste.

Arka Puneet : This is a hybrid between Alphonso and the Banganapalli. This plant is a regular and prolific fruit bearing. The fruits of this variety are medium in size and posses attractive skin colour. The pulp of fruit is free from fibre and very sweet in taste.

Arka Anmol : this hybrid is from a cross of Alphonso and Janardhan pasand. It is regular bearer and good yielder. Fruits are medium sized having uniform yellow peel colour, excellent keeping quality and free from spongy tissue.

Arka Neelkiran : it is a hybrid between Alphonso and Neelum. It is regular bearing late season variety with medium sized fruits having attractive red blush and free from spongy tissue.

There is great scope to expand the mango areas with aforesaid hybrids of the mango in India so that new recombinant of the desirable traits has to benefit the growers and consumers as well.

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