Biochemistry is the branch of biotechnology which deals with the study of chemicals used in biological processes. People who do their masters in this field have great opportunities of pursuing their career in this field. Most of the biochemistry work is performed in the laboratory because this field is usually used for the research purposes.

Military Careers:-
Biochemists have great opportunity to pursue their career in military because military medical service needs biochemists. If a biochemist joins military service then he must have at least master's degree so that he can provide medical and first aid facilities to the soldiers and their families. In military, blood banks, research and development centers need biochemists.

Drug Development:-
Biochemistry has major role in pharmaceuticals for the development of different drugs. Biochemists perform their duties in the research centers and help scientists in developing new vaccines, drugs and diagnosing different diseases. If a person wants to choose biochemistry as a career, he should be Undergrad and it will be of great benefit for the person if he has experience of six months working in the laboratory and research centers. But if the person is carrying post doctoral degree then he will be highly recommended for the research purposes.

Biochemists have good job opportunities in the education sector as teachers and professors and lab assistants at University and college level. To adopt the career as a teacher of biochemistry, the person must have qualification of graduation or under graduation and getting an educational certificate is must. The professors at University or college level need a PhD or doctoral degree for the job. They should have complete knowledge of biochemistry and should know the recent progresses made in the field of biochemistry. The laboratory assistants should have the diploma in biochemistry and have experience of six months working as an internee.


If the effects of toxins or chemicals are observed in humans, animals or environment, then toxicologists are needed. People need an undergrad degree or doctorate degree to pursue their career in toxicology. They can also work in forensic investigation, research and development and law enforcement.

Food and Nutrition:-
Biochemists in the field of food and nutrition check the quality of the food and nutrition present in it before manufacturing. They check if there are any harmful chemicals in the preserved food. They are also working in the field of agriculture and are developing new species of crops.

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