Forget the days of filling out questionnaires about your likes and dislikes, or lying about your bad habits online; these days the answer to true love is only a cheek swab away. The latest tool for finding your perfect partner is DNA matching.

This is a new dating trend, could be the modern version of matching birth astro charts before deciding on life partner. Termed 'DNA Dating', practice is being encouraged by a DNA matchmaking website that may see the end of the compatibility test. All you have to do is brush a couple of Q tips across your mouth and send the swabs to a lab along with those of your partner to find out if you are made for each other. Gene Partner has developed a formula to match men and women for a romantic relationship based on their genes.

Gene Partner's biological matching method is designed as a harmonizing service for matchmakers and online dating sites. Based on the genetic profile of the client, the Gene Partner formula determines the level of genetic compatibility with the person they are interested in. The probability for successful and long-lasting romantic relationships is greatest in couples with high genetic compatibility.

The idea being expounded is that if your DNA matches with your partner, you are more likely to have a satisfied sex life. And would have the possibility of producing the healthiest possible babies. Commenting on how DNA dating can influence the relationships in the future."Dr, Alaf Patel says "DNA matches are the most sensible way to mate .It's an arranged marriage to get the best progeny Animals like lions are attracted to each other with best DNA match. There is some conjecture that happens in humans as well.


With genetically highly compatible people we feel that rare awareness of perfect chemistry. This is the body's receptive and welcoming response when immune systems harmonize and fit well together.

Genetic compatibility results in:
• An increased possibility of forming an enduring and successful relationship
• A more satisfying sex life
• Higher fertility rates


There are two important aspects to every romantic relationship:
1. Social compatibility (such as age, education level, humor, life goals, interests etc.)
2. Biological compatibility, which ensures good chemistry and higher chances of successful long-term relationship.

It is the competence of matchmakers and online dating sites to expertly analyze social compatibility factors, while Gene Partner provides an accurate analysis of the biological compatibility between two people. Using both systems together with every match query ensures the best possible overall compatibility.

With the use of DNA technology, the science of dating is becoming a whole lot less incorrect
"Whether you will find somebody attractive actually depends on the specific genetic background that you have," said Tamara Brown, co-founder of Gene Partner, a company that says they've isolated the "compatibility" gene. They say the genetic rules of attraction make us inclined to choose a mate with a matching genetic code, so our offspring will thrive.

So how does DNA matching work? According to one of the sites to offer the service, ScientificMatch.com, the answer is all about chemistry.

Nature's driving force is to ensure that you produce the healthiest possible offspring, so what DNA matching offers is the chance to pick a partner with the widest possible variety of genes and therefore the best immune system for any potential children,' explains Eric Holzle, a former engineer-turned-matchmaker who runs Scientific Match.

It all sounds a little bit far-fetched, yet there has long been evidence that human attraction is influenced by smell. Both Scientific Match and Swiss company, GenePartner.com, which provides a DNA matching service for a variety of dating sites in Europe and the U.S., cite the infamous 1995 'sweaty T-shirt' experiment in which women were asked to sniff the T-shirts of similarly aged men and rate their body odors as proof that DNA matching works.

To Dr Brown this is only the beginning. ' I truly believe that DNA matching will become the standard,' she says, pointing out that the growth of social networking has changed the way in which we do everything from making friends to finding love.

So is this really the future? Are we slowly abandoning all notion of taking a chance on love, preferring to treat romance as just another check on our list of things to do?
However, Holzle does have some comfort for those of us who would like to believe that there's still some romance left. 'We're not saying this is the only way to find the right person,' he says.
In other words, DNA matching might be the future, but you can still take it with a bit of old-fashioned chemistry on the side.

But many have a say that genetic testing does not guarantee emotional chemistry. It just not about gene compatibility, but meeting of two hearts .what if there's no emotional involvement or romance. Psychotherapists says that good relationship are not in matching of the genes and attraction of the body fragrance , but also having mental compatibility ,goals of life , values and many other.


It minimizes the error in making choices and narrows selection. Thus, you have only a handful of choices to make; reducing the risk of going wrong. It's a probabilistic method and not a full proof indicator. Banking only on these indicators may spell trouble. And genes don't consider factors like incompatible areas, growing apart as many individual do in long term relating, etc.Cost may be a factor too.

It may make the choice very clinical and may kill romance and excitement of falling in love. Everyone is no so practical and it may go well with the romantics.

About Author / Additional Info:
I have done biotech in my under graduation and it interests me still.